Nicolai Appel

Nicolai Appel graduated as a gold smith from Georg Jensen in 1989 and is also trained in design from the Institute of Precious Metals. He has been independent in own name since 1996. Today, Nicolai owns the goldsmith workshop "Guldfabrik" and shop "Nicolai Appel" on Reykjaviksgade 2, Copenhagen S (Islands Brygge).

Greenlandic gold got Nicolai’s attention when the Crown Prince couple of Denmark had their wedding rings made of Greenlandic gold in 2004. Nicolai then advocated that Greenlandic gold should also be available to "ordinary" people.

The collaboration has turned into the two 2020 collections "Qiperoq" designed by Oline Binzer and "Aajuna" designed by Buuti Pedersen.

Nicolais will also be presenting his own design of jewelry in PANIKPANIK and looks forward to a "version 2.0" of Greenlandic gold when gold production from the Nalunaq mine in South Greenland starts again in the near future.

the brand